Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pakistan proves it again

The recent media footage coming out of Pakistan, showing the assassin of Punjab Governor being showered with flowers by ordinary folks and lawyers alike, while being led away by the police confirms yet again that Pakistan, like Somalia, is a failed state and deserves neither aid nor sympathy. A country, religion, or people who condone and celebrate the murder of their own elected officials obviously have no qualms in organizing and sending terrorists to neighboring countries to kill and cause mayhem.  Has the world forgotten the images coming out from the Taj Hotel in November of 2008 when 180 innocent people were killed by Pakistani terrorists? But can we expect anything better from Pakistan when even educated people like lawyers join in the celebrations at the assassination of a state governor by his own security guard? The murdered politician, Mr. Salman Taseer, was a well-respected man by most accounts, and represented the reasonable and moderate face of Islam. He took the stand that anti-blasphemy laws needed to be amended in a country in which 98 percent of the population was Muslim,  If anybody needed protection, said Mr. Taseer, it was the minorities, who could be-and were being-falsely implicated under the anti-blasphemy laws.

It is incredible that the United States continues to pour in billions of dollars into Pakistan each year, knowing fully that most of these funds are either pocketed by politicians or surreptitiously diverted to terrorists who can thus continue to wage their war in or against Afghanistan, India or the Western democracies.  Is it possible for the United States to win a war against fundamentalists based in Afghanistan by bribing fundamentalists in Pakistan?